Diversity & Inclusion

Easily accessible diversity analytics for law firms

Understand what's happening in your firm at a glance. Generate fast and understandable reports from live HR data.

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Set targets and monitor progress

Ground aspirations in real data. Build confidence that plans are achievable. Model possible scenarios for each team based on performance in recent years. Focus leaders' attention on the highest impact levers for their team. Generate monthly scorecards for each team to encourage ownership of targets.

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Tell stories from data

Identify issues. Dig deeper into specific populations. Pinpoint areas of bias. Build a narrative and share directly within POD to engage stakeholders and build support for change.

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Benchmark in forensic detail

All firms on POD participate in continuous benchmarking. See aggregated market data live from peer firms' HR systems. International, interactive and granular, with no surveys to fill in.

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Report diversity to clients

Give your clients something they can really use. Help bring transparency to supply chains while staying in control of your data and individuals' privacy. Fast, survey-less, and aligned with General Counsel for D&I reporting standards.

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Fill out diversity surveys quicker

Our survey filler tool saves you 90% of the time it takes to complete diversity data requests. Easily answer client requests for data and fill out 3rd party diversity surveys in just a few clicks with pre-populated templates.

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  • "Truly, this innovation allows us to do more. To spot issues that we'd otherwise miss. And, most importantly, to tailor solutions."

    Alexis Robertson

    Director of Diversity & Inclusion

    Foley & Lardner LLP

  • "POD helps us analyse the data in a way that is engaging and easy to digest. We have a small team and insufficient capacity to be constantly updating this analysis ourselves. Pirical means we can catch things quickly and act."

    Liz Cope

    Head of Inclusion, Diversity and Social Impact

    Stephenson Harwood

  • "This is the evidence to show partners we can do better in ethnic diversity because other firms are doing better!"

    Head of Diversity

    International law firm

  • "POD is the home of reliable data for us now"

    Roxanne Ratcliff

    Senior Business Partner – Diversity, Inclusion and CR Manager

    Burges Salmon


Unlock all your data

Go beyond counting heads, Pirical On Demand (POD) analyses:

  • Promotions, Recruitment & Attrition bias
  • Performance Ratings
  • Utilisation
  • Revenues, discounts & write-offs
  • Work Allocation

and much more.


Get the full picture

Pirical On Demand (POD) supports all core diversity traits:

  • Gender
  • Ethnicity/Race
  • Social Mobility
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Disability
  • Plus any others your firm is interested in

POD maps different definitions in different regions, ensuring global consistency with local relevance.

Explore the demo

See how Pirical On Demand (POD) looks in action.

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