Live compensation data for Rewards teams at law firms

  • "POD is very easy to use, it enables us to look at different HR KPIs in comparison to our peers and make much smarter, informed compensation decisions."

    Jon Miller

    Senior Compensation Manager

    Hogan Lovells

Benchmark law firm salaries

Review compensation against the market for granular role, office, and department combinations. For legal and non-legal roles.

Simpler and more accurate than filling in surveys: uses live HR data direct from peer firms' HR systems.

Base Salary at the Firm vs the Market
Current and target FTE by department

Track salary changes over time

Understand historical salary position against the market. Reference inflation and market changes.

Use this data to plan salary budgets for the following year with precision. Model market alignment scenarios and easily calculate the cost to achieve.

Effortlessly extract rewards and performance data

Make your compensation process smarter and fairer. Quickly export complex legal datasets to get a full picture for every individual.

Contains all the information needed for pay reviews: current salary, last raise, market median, compa-ratio, utilisation, billed hours, revenues realised, salary multiplier and more!

Individual View of Kata B, Career History tab

Explore the demo

See how Pirical On Demand (POD) looks in action

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