Pirical Legal Professionals is the leading database for recruitment and sales enablement, with 350,000+ legal professionals across 130+ countries.
Our unrivalled technology aggregates data from news articles, professional social media accounts, firm websites, bar representative bodies and more, to make sure our database is always up-to-date.
Using our database - just for fun - we looked at how the top names vary by seniority in the UK legal profession.
Starting with the newbies - those with fewer than 1 year of post qualification experience (PQE) - our visualisation tracks the top names all the way through to 40 years PQE.
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The most popular name among new recruits is Charlotte . You quickly get a sense from the data that the class of 2019/20 has more women than men. In fact, the latest cohorts of newly qualified solicitors are some of the most gen der diverse the legal profession has ever seen, with 61.3% women.
The most popular name among senior lawyers is David . This is true for both PQE 35-40 lawyers and for partners with any number of years PQE.
At partnership level, there are more than twice as many Davids than Sarahs .
With both ends of the profession looking so different, it seems likely that tomorrow’s law firms will look very different to today’s.
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